Real Estate Technical Advice in Mallorca

A real estate advice adapted to your needs

Whether you are thinking about a large real estate investment in Mallorca, or if you are looking for another property, you have to make the right decisions. In order to do so, real estate technical advice is one of the keys with which to properly manage your goals.

This is the case of large business, who are looking for a headquarters or location to develop their business, as well as large areas where a strong real estate investment is needed, but also for small owners and investors.

At ViveComoKieras, we offer you effective technical advice in Mallorca that can benefit your business activity, in the case of business, but we also provide all our knowledge for small investors.

Good technical advisory services imply a great knowledge of the market, with which to select the best location and to know where the most attractive properties can be found, depending on the budget. All technical advice starts from a good base and, in this case, consists of a good study of the real estate market.

We know the real estate market. We provide the best advisory services

Thanks to this analysis, any opportunity that the real estate market is offering us can be detected more easily. This not only implies doing field work, about the prices of the different real estate assets, it also implies knowing the potential that a certain area offers, depending on the projects that are underway or that are going to be carried out in the middle long term.

In addition to location, one of the most important tasks of real estate technical advice is when a property must be bought or sold. Being aware of the best time for an acquisition or a sale, you guarantee greater profitability, within any real estate transaction.

In short, when you hire a technical real estate adviser in Mallorca, such as the one we offer from ViveComoKieras, you are making an investment in the future, with much greater security and in order to achieve the maximum profitability of said transaction.

At ViveComoKieras, we are professionals in providing you with impeccable technical real estate advice.
We adapt to your needs!

Contact information

Urbanización Segregación Rústica Sarajassa 5ºB
07199 Palma de Mallorca (Baleares) / Spain

Phones: (+34) 971 86 38 74 | (+34) 673 87 46 16


Horary: Monday to Friday
from 8:30 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 19:00

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